About HMHA

How We Got Started

Hancock Metropolitan Housing Authority (HMHA) was chartered in 1991 under the laws of the State of Ohio with the cooperation of the City of Findlay, the Hancock County Commissioners, the Hancock Regional Planning Commission, and local citizens.


What We Do

HMHA administers HUD’s Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program and currently services Hancock, Wyandot, Putnam and Hardin Counties. The HCV Program provides rent subsidy assistance to eligible families. Families with a tenant-based voucher are able to choose from a variety of safe, affordable, privately-owned units.

Board of Commissioners

Meet our Commissioners

Douglas West, Board Chairperson, Computer and Network Support

Donna Ruse, Board Vice Chairperson, Local Realtor

Robert J. Fox, Board Secretary, Findlay City Schools

Dow Campbell, Financial Services

Dionne Kinninger, Social Services

Board of Commissioners Meetings

HMHA’s Board of Commissioners meeting is held on the fourth Thursday of every month at The Family Center, 1800 North Blanchard Street, Findlay, Ohio.

To request to speak at an HMHA Board of Commissioners’ meeting, please:

  1. Submit your written request to speak to HMHA’s Executive Director at the offices in The Family Center – Suite 114, 1800 North Blanchard Street, Findlay, Ohio, 45840, at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.

Requests may also be emailed to cricker@hancockmetro.com.

  1. The request must include the topic for discussion.
  2. Speaker will be given five minutes to address the Board.

2020 Board Minutes

2021 Board Minutes

2022 Board Minutes

2023 Board Minutes

2024 Board Minutes



Agency Plans

The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development requires HMHA to complete a 5-Year and an Annual Agency Plan pursuant to the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998. The Plan outlines the goals, objectives, and community activities that HMHA will undertake this year as well as through December 2023. 

The Plans may be reviewed by clicking on below: 

HMHA Administrative Plan 

Financial Audits

All housing authorities administering the HCV Program are required to submit un-audited financial data to HUD electronically no later than two months following its fiscal year end. 

HMHA must also submit an audited financial report to the Auditor of the State of Ohio no later than nine months following its fiscal year end. The audit must be prepared by an Independent Public Accountant.